Ministers statement: Employment

MR PALLAS (Treasurer) — I rise to update the house about the Andrews Labor government’s achievements in creating jobs for Victorians. This is great news story for Victoria. This is a government that works hard for all Victorians.

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — Order! The Treasurer will be heard in silence.

MR PALLAS— I am sure I have the undivided attention of the National Party, because for regional Victoria the story is outstanding. And on the Back to Work program, there is great news on that too — an exponential update. In December 2015 regional Victoria saw 13 000 additional full-time jobs created. Let us compare that to the four years in government of the previous hopeless mob. They managed to get 5500 full-time jobs in four years. In one quarter we created 13 000 full-time jobs. That is what action looks like.

Look at this in the context of regional unemployment, which is now at 5.4 per cent, the lowest in the country, and down from 6.6 per cent when we came to government. Places like Geelong have gone from 8.2 per cent down to 3.6 per cent. Shepparton has gone from 7.8 per cent down to 6 per cent. Hume has gone from 5.8 per cent down to 4.1 per cent. Lowan has gone from 5.6 per cent down to 4.4 per cent. South West Coast has gone from 6.7 per cent down to 3.2 per cent.

These are more than just numbers; these are regional cities being given a new energy. They are essentially developing and continuing the commitment that this government has made with regard to our $200 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund and our Back to Work program. This is this government backing up actions with concrete initiatives that are working for Victorians.