A new round of Victorian Government funding will improve environmental and economic outcomes for Victoria by supporting collaborative projects that aim to design out waste.

Member for Werribee Tim Pallas said more than $750,000 of funding is available through the Recycling Victoria Innovation Fund to support collaborative projects that will accelerate the transition towards a circular economy, with grants of up to $250,000 available.

Grants will focus on two areas: textiles innovation and collaborative innovation, with both streams seeking projects that design out waste in the production, distribution and use phase of a resource’s lifecycle, for example by re-designing a product to be more durable, repairable and recyclable.

Types of projects funded could include those proposing products that use fewer materials and are designed to be more durable, repairable and recyclable. Grants will support collaborative projects between individual businesses, industry groups and associations, research institutions and/ or charities.

Member for Werribee said the Victorian Government has also announced ten research institutes will share more than $2.1 million funding to develop new and innovative processes or products for recycled materials including plastic, paper, glass, cardboard and tyres through the Recycling Victoria Research and Development Fund.

Collectively the projects will fund 9 new dedicated research roles, partially fund 6 existing positions, enabling industry partners to work with leading researchers to develop new ways to use recycled products in products and infrastructure such as roads and residential housing.

The funds are delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s $515 million investment to transform the waste and recycling sector, including the Victorian Government’s $380 million investment to fundamentally reduce waste, boost jobs and establish a recycling system Victorians can rely on.

For more information on projects funded and grants available visit
Quotes attributable to Member for Werribee Tim Pallas

“These grants are fostering business innovation and collaboration across supply chains to reduce waste, increase recycling and reuse and generate new streams of revenue for businesses.” 

The grants are looking to support ideas that are an innovation for Victoria – projects that have never been done previously in the state, to help accelerate Victoria towards a circular economy.”

“The projects supported by these grants will help reduce waste through design innovation, supporting a more sustainable future for Victoria.”