Mr PALLAS (Werribee—Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Industrial Relations) (11:20): I rise yet again to advise the house of the good news that goes on in terms of the economy of Victoria. It is the seventh straight quarter that the state of Victoria has been rated by CommSec’s State of the States report as the leading economy in the nation—seven straight wins in nearly two years of dominance. That sort of record would make Novak Djokovic envious.

What got us here? According to CommSec, we are leading the nation in five out of the eight criteria. Importantly, that is both construction and economic growth. It is exactly what the Reserve Bank governor has insisted occur: keeping debt at a sustainable level in line with what we committed to before the election.

The state’s economic performance will allow Victoria to build the infrastructure for tomorrow that will service our state in order to continue to grow and to prosper—more level crossings and of course the airport rail link and North East Link Project, to name but a few. Contrast this with the dark days of November 2010 to 2014, when no major projects were underway, and Victoria fell to fifth on the league ladder of the State of the States by CommSec.

Fortunately the people of Victoria refused to allow this state to fall into a malaise. They had a solution to it, and it was the election of a government that was committed to action, purpose and delivery. Make no mistake, Victoria is leading the nation with 530 000 jobs created and big infrastructure that benefits all Victorians and which has set us up for a decade of economic dominance.