Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) — I rise to inform the house of yet another significant investment in our fire services. Of course we are investing over $100 million to support Country Fire Authority (CFA) volunteers in the vital work that they do. That includes $56.2 million for a CFA Support Fund and $44 million for infrastructure and equipment. Contrary to the claims of those opposite, the associated costs of this change will not be met through the fire services property levy, and the government will cap the amount that we collect over the next two years. The changes announced last Friday provide a way forward after years of uncertainty and conflict, and we will now have a Country Fire Authority that is wholly volunteer run and run the way it was intended.

The Leader of the Opposition has declared, of course, that his favourite era is the 1950s. It is not surprising that he wants to stick the CFA there too. Sadly, he missed out on his declared favourite historical event, the sinking of the Titanic, but he could have consoled himself with the re‑enactment or a close approximation of it by attending a press conference with his opposition spokesperson, old ‘Battin down the hatches’. We call him the Tammy Wynette of state politics — he is standing by his man.

We will continue to respect the leadership and the important role that our volunteers perform. It means properly resourcing volunteers, and it means protecting their health and safety. This government will keep on working to protect and defend our volunteers.

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — Order! The Deputy Premier will come to order.