Ministers Statement: High Capacity Trains

Mr PALLAS (Treasurer) — I am delighted to inform the house of the Andrews Labor government’s sustained investment in rolling stock and infrastructure that is creating jobs for Victorians. Thanks to the efforts of the Andrews Labor government, the single biggest order of trains in the state’s history will be built here and delivered here in Victoria. In fact 1100 Victorians will be employed as a result of the rolling stock investment we are making in the rolling stock capital of the nation.

We have achieved 60 per cent local content, which is double the 30 per cent that the previous Liberal government achieved. This is particularly important because it reflects the government’s commitment to Victorian jobs, Victorian business and of course Victorian skills. That means that Victoria is the fastest growing state economy in this nation. It is easy to attribute this stellar performance to the fact that for every day the member for Malvern has spent on the opposition benches more than 200 jobs have been added to the Victorian economy. He is doing a great service to Victoria. It comes from having a government focused on bringing investment and jobs to Victoria.

In stark contrast the Leader of the Opposition believes that ordering new trains, building Melbourne Metro and removing level crossings is not going to improve the livability of Melbourne; it is just stuff. It is a Dark Ages approach. It is Liberals leading by lethargy. He seems to think that a 1950s approach to state-building works. The Andrews Labor government is not wasting a single day. We are getting on with it.