Galvin Park Secondary College: funding

Galvin Park Secondary College: funding

To the Legislative
Assembly of Victoria:

This petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the
Legislative Assembly the need for the state government to fully fund and
modernise Galvin Park Secondary College (GPSC) as a matter of urgency.

In particular, we note:

1. Due to poor design and high levels of rainfall inundating the school
structure and in particular its roofing, many of GPSC’s classrooms and
facilities are uninhabitable;

2. Student and teacher welfare is being compromised by a facility that
is structurally unsound, poorly designed, has substantial amounts of asbestos
in its floor, ceiling and walls that has been disturbed because of water
inundation and has high mould counts in many classrooms and common areas;

3. Student education is being severely and adversely affected due to the
need for off-site student relocation and the cancellation of classes for
significant periods and the postponement of many school events/functions;

4. The school has had provisional improvement notices placed on 16
classrooms, including the library, music and science wings, making the school
environment an occupational health and safety hazard.

The petitioners therefore request that the state government immediately
commit to funding a complete rebuild and modernisation of GPSC at its existing
location and further that in the interim the state government provide
sufficient portable classrooms to offset any space lost from the school
structures both as a consequence of the recent damage and during the complete
rebuild and modernisation process.

Mr PALLAS (Tarneit) = (299 signatures).

See Tim’s speech in Hansard here.

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